Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weekly Musings: Partridge Berry toast & Closet Gutting

Okay, so I un-ashamedly stole this idea from both the wonderful Maddie and Luinae, but it’s a fantastic style of posting so here it is.  This is just a big collage of images and stuff I’ve found inspiring, divine and just a little of what goes on in my life.

Being done with midterm exams – I’m with Luinae on this one. It feel so good to have that pressure gone and of my shoulders. I had to write six exams, plus I had unit tests and two assignments the week before so I thought my head was going to explode. But I wrote the last one  (Math, ew), and now I have free time to get started with new art projects, read, re-organize my room, and just relax for just a little bit.
My new Sennheisser HD 408’s – For a music freak like me, these are bliss. They are seriously excellent for entry level headphones;  the quality is amazing. It was either those or a pair of Grado’s, but I was having trouble with getting them shipped in from the states. But with these: Woah. I can hear so many more subtle nuances in the singer’s voices, in guitar riffs, it’s fantastic! If you’re like me and just destroy those little earbuds that come with iPods, get a pair of these. 

Bloggity-blog stuff -  I chose a really awkward week to commence with starting a blog but now that my midterms are over I’m bursting with ideas for posts and I love getting back to coding and layouts and banners, all that jazz. It’s cathartic, for me in a way.

Organization – That may seem really general to you, but that’s really what I’ve been aiming to do these past couple weeks.  I gutted my closet last weekend and got rid of three garbage bags of junk. It was a relief to just slough off all this stuff that had I been hoarding in my closet and finally throw it out!  Naturally this lead through to the rest of my life and I’m itching to organize my diet, room, clothing, school papers, everything!

Honourable Mentions - Dark, emerald green nail polish (see left!)  Breakfasts of Partridge berry toast, orange slices and green tea  Bursting with ideas for blog posts  All black outfits  W.B. Yeats’ poetry; it’s divine   Hanging around the library before midterm exams talking about snow forts and playgrounds. 
 Extreme room cleaning, so far I’ve gotten rid of three garbage bags of junk and two small bags as well. Win. The massive seven foot long mosaic we're working on in my art club; it's beautiful, plus we get to put on goggles and smash tiles with a mallet, always a healthy and natural approach to broken crockery
  Planning a Mad Alice tea party for next weekend  A Bit of Fry & Laurie = My life ♥ the Sassy Gay Friend. No words needed  Tumblr refrences "forever alone"
  Harry Potter combo-ed with Mean Girls quotes = Harry: "If your a Dark Lord, why are you so pale?" , Voldemort: "......", Dumbledore: "OMG Harry, you can't just ask people why they're pale!!" Pinterest. Yes.  And, early morning snow.

So, what's been making you're week lovely? 


  1. Ah, I love your nail polish! And congratulations on being done your exams, it must be a really wonderful feeling!

  2. Hey, thanks! It's Sally Hansen or something in "Emerald City", and yes being done with exams is actually surreal. It feels odd not to have them looming over me screaming equations, language quotes and biology notes in my face. :D

  3. Sounds like a wonderful week! I'm honored that you're doing weekly musings now too : )


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