
Welcome to Wicked Whimsy! I am Rachel, and, despite how hipster I seem in the above photo, I am actually quite a fantastically nice, real world person. Most of the time. ;)

If you've stumbled on my little corner of the web, you'll find that this blog is full of so much!

I starting blogging because I wanted to share my voice and opinions to the blogging world. I want to empower whoever reads this to take risks with their fashion, be a proud feminist, listen to new artists & maybe buy their music (support indie!), help them love their bodies and just live their life beyond conformity. Which is what I'm all about.

Whimsy to me is fulfilling those magical thoughts that live in your head, the ones you wish you could just splash in till there was nothing left expect your happiness. I hope you will be able to, & hopefully in a fearless and wicked fashion!

SO, feel free to browse around over there in the sidebar, or if you have an artist you want me to review, a quick question, or just want to say hello, drop me a line at wicked-whimsy@live.com.

Orchid petals, and love from the universe, 
